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Our Rainbow Journey, June 21-24, 2018

You are invited to participate in "Our Rainbow Journey," ReconcilingWorks 2018 Assembly and Reconciling In Christ Conference. "Our Rainbow Journey" will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 21—24, 2018. 

  • Although over 500 congregations in the Lutheran church publicly state a welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions, we know this number represents only five percent of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada.
  • Even in the face of great advances in the freedom to marry, there are still 32 states in the U.S. where people can be fired from their jobs or evicted from their housing because of their sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
  • Despite world-wide recognition of the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., his vision for the Beloved Community, a community where love and justice is lived experience for all, is far from realized. 

Participants attending “Our Rainbow Journey” will network with one another, hearing stories of joy and challenge, exploring ways to live out the work of reconciliation in the Lutheran tradition. Throughout the assembly, participants will explore justice issues, focusing on the intersection of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people and racial justice efforts, political justice issues and strategy, and the work that still needs to be done in the Lutheran Church. ReconcilingWorks will also hold business sessions where members and partners will play an integral part in guiding our organization over the next three years.

Participants will worship together and with the Twin Cities community. “Our Rainbow Journey” will employ a rich variety of traditions to provide a blend of the familiar and the unique, drawing on our Lutheran heritage and the wealth of liturgical practice in the area.

Time will also be spent learning from each other about new organizing methods and strategies to take back to our communities, working to ensure "welcome" is a lived experience for all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people and their families—and that nobody is free until all are free.